Kernel Mixture Network ========================================================== Implementation of Kernel Mixture Network introduced in [AMB2017]_ with some extra features. The approach combines unconditional kernel density estimation with a (softmax) neural network, obtaining a conditional kernel density estimator. Comparable to unconditional kernel density estimation, kernels are placed in each of the training samples or a subset of the samples. A neural network predicts the weights of the kernels based on the x (value to condition on) which it receives as an input. Overall the the conditional probability density function is modeled as follows: .. math:: f(y|x) = \frac{1}{\sum_{p,j} w_{pj}(x; W)} \sum_{p,j} w_{pj}(x; W) \mathcal{K}_j(y,y^{(p)}) This implementation uses Gaussian Kernels: .. math:: \mathcal{K}(y,y';\sigma)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{\left\Vert y-y'\right\Vert^2}{2\sigma^2}} In addition to the approach described in the paper, the implementation has the following extensions: - **Trainable scales/bandwiths:** The scales of the Gaussian kernels can be either be fixed or jointly trained with the neural network weights. This property is controlled by the boolean train_scales in the constructor. - Center Sampling Methods: - **all:** use all data points in the train set as kernel centers - **random:** randomly selects k points as kernel centers - **k_means:** uses k-means clustering to determine k kernel centers - **agglomorative:** uses agglomorative clustering to determine k kernel centers .. automodule:: cde.density_estimator .. autoclass:: KernelMixtureNetwork :members: :inherited-members: The core of the Kernel Mixture Network implementation is originally written by [VEG2017]_. In addition to the original implementation of Jan van der Vegt and Alexander Backus we added support for mulivariate distributions p(y|x) as well as automated hyperparameter search via cross-validation. .. [AMB2017] Luca Ambrogioni, Umut Güçlü, Marcel A. J. van Gerven, Eric Maris (2017). The Kernel Mixture Network: A Nonparametric Method for Conditional Density Estimation of Continuous Random Variables ( .. [VEG2017]