import tensorflow as tf
from .BaseNormalizingFlow import BaseNormalizingFlow
[docs]class InvertedRadialFlow(BaseNormalizingFlow):
Implements a bijector x = y + (alpha * beta * (y - y_0)) / (alpha + abs(y - y_0)).
params: Tensor shape (?, n_dims+2). This will be split into the parameters
alpha (?, 1), beta (?, 1), gamma (?, n_dims).
Furthermore alpha will be constrained to assure the invertability of the flow
n_dims: The dimension of the distribution that will be transformed
name: The name to give this particular flow
_alpha = None
_beta = None
_gamma = None
def __init__(self, params, n_dims, validate_args=False, name='InvertedRadialFlow'):
Parameter shapes (assuming you're transforming a distribution over d-space):
shape alpha = (?, 1)
shape beta = (?, 1)
shape gamma = (?, ndims)
super(InvertedRadialFlow, self).__init__(params, n_dims, validate_args=validate_args, name=name)
# split the input parameter into the individual parameters alpha, beta, gamma
a_index, b_index, g_index = 0, 1, 2
flow_params = [InvertedRadialFlow._handle_input_dimensionality(x)
for x in tf.split(value=params, num_or_size_splits=[1, 1, n_dims], axis=1)]
# constraining the parameters before they are assigned to ensure invertibility
self._alpha = InvertedRadialFlow._alpha_circ(flow_params[a_index])
self._beta = InvertedRadialFlow._beta_circ(flow_params[b_index])
self._gamma = flow_params[g_index]
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_param_size(n_dims):
:param n_dims: The dimension of the distribution to be transformed by the flow
:return: (int) The dimension of the parameter space for the flow
return 1 + 1 + n_dims
def _r(self, z):
return tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(z - self._gamma), 1, keepdims=True)
def _h(self, r):
return 1. / (self._alpha + r)
def _inverse(self, z):
Runs a forward pass through the bijector
z = InvertedRadialFlow._handle_input_dimensionality(z)
r = self._r(z)
h = self._h(r)
return z + (self._alpha * self._beta * h) * (z - self._gamma)
def _ildj(self, z):
Computes the ln of the absolute determinant of the jacobian
z = InvertedRadialFlow._handle_input_dimensionality(z)
r = self._r(z)
h = self._h(r)
der_h = tf.gradients(h, [r])[0]
ab = self._alpha * self._beta
det = (1. + ab * h)**(self.n_dims - 1) * (1. + ab*h + ab*der_h*r)
return tf.log(det)
def _alpha_circ(alpha):
Method for constraining the alpha parameter to meet the invertibility requirements
return tf.nn.softplus(alpha)
def _beta_circ(beta):
Method for constraining the beta parameter to meet the invertibility requirements
return tf.exp(beta) - 1.
[docs] def forward(self, x):
We don't require sampling and it would be slow, therefore it is not implemented
:raise NotImplementedError:
raise NotImplementedError()