import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import cde.utils.tf_utils.layers as L
from cde.utils.tf_utils.layers_powered import LayersPowered
from import MLP
from cde.utils.tf_utils.adamW import AdamWOptimizer
from .BaseNNEstimator import BaseNNEstimator
from .normalizing_flows import FLOWS
from cde.utils.serializable import Serializable
[docs]class NormalizingFlowEstimator(BaseNNEstimator):
""" Normalizing Flow Estimator
name: (str) name space of the network (should be unique in code, otherwise tensorflow namespace collisions may arise)
ndim_x: (int) dimensionality of x variable
ndim_y: (int) dimensionality of y variable
flows_type: (tuple of strings) The chain of individual flows that together make up the full flow. The
individual flows can be any of: *affine*, *planar*, *radial*, *identity*. They will be applied in order
going from the base distribution to the transformed distribution.
hidden_sizes: (tuple of int) sizes of the hidden layers of the neural network
hidden_nonlinearity: (tf function) nonlinearity of the hidden layers
n_training_epochs: (int) Number of epochs for training
x_noise_std: (optional) standard deviation of Gaussian noise over the the training data X -> regularization through noise
y_noise_std: (optional) standard deviation of Gaussian noise over the the training data Y -> regularization through noise
weight_decay: (float) the amount of decoupled ( weight decay to apply
weight_normalization: (boolean) whether weight normalization shall be used for the neural network
data_normalization: (boolean) whether to normalize the data (X and Y) to exhibit zero-mean and uniform-std
dropout: (float) the probability of switching off nodes during training
random_seed: (optional) seed (int) of the random number generators used
def __init__(self, name, ndim_x, ndim_y, flows_type=('affine', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial'), hidden_sizes=(16, 16),
hidden_nonlinearity=tf.tanh, n_training_epochs=1000, x_noise_std=None, y_noise_std=None,
weight_decay=0.0, weight_normalization=True, data_normalization=True, dropout=0.0,
Serializable.quick_init(self, locals())
assert all([f in FLOWS.keys() for f in flows_type]) = name
self.ndim_x = ndim_x
self.ndim_y = ndim_y
self.random_seed = random_seed
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_seed)
# charateristics of the flows to be used
self.flows_type = flows_type
# specification of the network
self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes
self.hidden_nonlinearity = hidden_nonlinearity
self.n_training_epochs = n_training_epochs
# regularization parameters
self.x_noise_std = x_noise_std
self.y_noise_std = y_noise_std
# decoupled weight decay
self.weight_decay = weight_decay
# normalizing the network weights
self.weight_normalization = weight_normalization
# whether to normalize the data to zero mean, and uniform variance
self.data_normalization = data_normalization
# the prob of dropping a node
self.dropout = dropout
# gradients for planar flows tend to explode -> clip them by global norm
self.gradient_clipping = True if 'planar' in flows_type else False
# as we'll be using reversed flows, sampling is too slow to be useful
self.can_sample = False
self.has_pdf = True
# tf has a cdf implementation only for 1-D Normal Distribution
self.has_cdf = True if self.ndim_y == 1 else False
self.fitted = False
# build tensorflow model
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, random_seed=None, verbose=True, eval_set=None, **kwargs):
Fit the model with to the provided data
:param X: numpy array to be conditioned on - shape: (n_samples, n_dim_x)
:param Y: numpy array of y targets - shape: (n_samples, n_dim_y)
:param eval_set: (tuple) eval/test dataset - tuple (X_test, Y_test)
:param verbose: (boolean) controls the verbosity of console output
X, Y = self._handle_input_dimensionality(X, Y, fitting=True)
if eval_set:
eval_set = tuple(self._handle_input_dimensionality(x) for x in eval_set)
# If no session has yet been created, create one and make it the default
self.sess = tf.get_default_session() if tf.get_default_session() else tf.InteractiveSession()
var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
tf.initializers.variables(var_list, name='init').run()
if self.data_normalization:
self._compute_data_normalization(X, Y)
for i in range(0, self.n_training_epochs + 1):,
feed_dict={self.X_ph: X, self.Y_ph: Y, self.train_phase: True, self.dropout_ph: self.dropout})
if verbose and not i % 100:
log_loss =, feed_dict={self.X_ph: X, self.Y_ph: Y})
if not eval_set:
print('Step {:4}: train log-loss {: .4f}'.format(i, log_loss))
eval_ll =, feed_dict={self.X_ph: eval_set[0], self.Y_ph: eval_set[1]})
print('Step {:4}: train log-loss {: .4f} eval log-loss {: .4f}'.format(i, log_loss, eval_ll))
self.fitted = True
[docs] def reset_fit(self):
Resets all tensorflow objects and enables this model to be fitted anew
self.fitted = False
def _param_grid(self):
return {
'n_training_epochs': [500, 1000, 1500],
'hidden_sizes': [(16, 16), (32, 32)],
'flows_type': [
# radial
('affine', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial'),
('affine', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial'),
('affine', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial', 'radial'),
# planar
('planar', 'planar', 'planar'),
('affine', 'planar', 'planar', 'planar'),
('affine', 'planar', 'planar', 'planar', 'planar'),
# mix
('affine', 'radial', 'planar', 'radial', 'planar',),
('affine', 'radial', 'planar', 'radial', 'planar', 'radial'),
'x_noise_std': [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, None],
'y_noise_std': [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, None],
'weight_decay': [1e-5, 0.0]
def _build_model(self):
implementation of the flow model
with tf.variable_scope(
# adds placeholders, data normalization and data noise to graph as desired. Also sets up a placeholder
# for dropout
self.layer_in_x, self.layer_in_y = self._build_input_layers()
self.y_input = L.get_output(self.layer_in_y)
flow_classes = [FLOWS[flow_name] for flow_name in self.flows_type]
# get the individual parameter sizes for each flow
param_split_sizes = [flow.get_param_size(self.ndim_y) for flow in flow_classes]
mlp_output_dim = sum(param_split_sizes)
core_network = MLP(
dropout_ph=self.dropout_ph if self.dropout else None
outputs = L.get_output(core_network.output_layer)
flow_params = tf.split(value=outputs, num_or_size_splits=param_split_sizes, axis=1)
# instanciate the flows with their parameters
flows = [flow(params, self.ndim_y) for flow, params in zip(flow_classes, flow_params)]
# build up the base distribution that will be transformed by the flows
if self.ndim_y == 1:
# this is faster for 1-D than the multivariate version
# it also supports a cdf, which isn't implemented for Multivariate
base_dist = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.)
base_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=[0.] * self.ndim_y,
scale_diag=[1.] * self.ndim_y)
# chain the flows together and build the transformed distribution using the base_dist + flows
# Chaining applies the flows in reverse, Chain([a,b]).forward(x) being a.forward(b.forward(x))
# We reverse them so the flows are stacked ontop of the base distribution in the original order
chain = tf.contrib.distributions.bijectors.Chain(flows)
target_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.TransformedDistribution(distribution=base_dist, bijector=chain)
# since we operate with matrices not vectors, the output would have dimension (?,1)
# and therefor has to be reduce first to have shape (?,)
if self.ndim_y == 1:
# for x shape (batch_size, 1) normal_distribution.pdf(x) outputs shape (batch_size, 1) -> squeeze
self.pdf_ = tf.squeeze(target_dist.prob(self.y_input), axis=1)
self.log_pdf_ = tf.squeeze(target_dist.log_prob(self.y_input), axis=1)
self.cdf_ = tf.squeeze(target_dist.cdf(self.y_input), axis=1)
# no squeezing necessary for multivariate_normal, but we don't have a cdf
self.pdf_ = target_dist.prob(self.y_input)
self.log_pdf_ = target_dist.log_prob(self.y_input)
if self.data_normalization:
self.pdf_ = self.pdf_ / tf.reduce_prod(self.std_y_sym)
self.log_pdf_ = self.log_pdf_ - tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(self.std_y_sym))
# cdf is only implemented for 1-D
if self.ndim_y == 1:
self.cdf_ = self.cdf_ / tf.reduce_prod(self.std_y_sym)
self.loss = -tf.reduce_prod(self.pdf_)
self.log_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(self.log_pdf_)
optimizer = AdamWOptimizer(self.weight_decay) if self.weight_decay else tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
if self.gradient_clipping:
gradients, variables = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(self.log_loss))
gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 3e5)
self.train_step = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, variables))
self.train_step = optimizer.minimize(self.log_loss)
# initialize LayersPowered -> provides functions for serializing tf models
LayersPowered.__init__(self, [self.layer_in_y, core_network.output_layer])
def __str__(self):
return "\nEstimator type: {}" \
"\n flows_type: {}" \
"\n data_normalization: {}" \
"\n weight_normalization: {}" \
"\n n_training_epochs: {}" \
"\n x_noise_std: {}" \
"\n y_noise_std: {}" \
"\n ".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.flows_type, self.data_normalization,
self.weight_normalization, self.n_training_epochs, self.x_noise_std, self.y_noise_std)