Source code for cde.density_simulation.ArmaJump

import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
from .BaseConditionalDensitySimulation import BaseConditionalDensitySimulation

[docs]class ArmaJump(BaseConditionalDensitySimulation): """ AR(1) model with jump component Args: c: constant return component of AR(1) arma_a1: AR(1) factor std: standard deviation of the Gaussian Noise jump_prob: probability of a negative jump random_seed: seed for the random_number generator """ def __init__(self, c=0.1, arma_a1=0.9, std=0.05, jump_prob=0.05, random_seed=None): self.std = std self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_seed) self.random_seed = random_seed # AR(1) params self.arma_c = c self.arma_a1 = arma_a1 # Jump component assert jump_prob >= 0 and jump_prob <= 1 self.jump_prob = jump_prob self.jump_mean = -3*c self.jump_std = 2*std self.ndim_x = 1 self.ndim_y = 1 self.ndim = self.ndim_x + self.ndim_y # approximate data statistics self.y_mean, self.y_std = self._compute_data_statistics() self.has_cdf = True self.has_pdf = True self.can_sample = True
[docs] def pdf(self, X, Y): """ Conditional probability density function p(y|x) of the underlying probability model Args: X: x to be conditioned on - numpy array of shape (n_points, ndim_x) Y: y target values for witch the pdf shall be evaluated - numpy array of shape (n_points, ndim_y) Returns: p(X|Y) conditional density values for the provided X and Y - numpy array of shape (n_points, ) """ X, Y = self._handle_input_dimensionality(X, Y) mean = self.arma_c * (1-self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * X return (1-self.jump_prob) * stats.norm.pdf(Y - mean, scale=self.std).flatten() + \ self.jump_prob * stats.norm.pdf(Y - (mean + self.jump_mean), scale=2*self.std).flatten()
[docs] def cdf(self, X, Y): """ Conditional cumulated probability density function P(Y < y | x) of the underlying probability model Args: X: x to be conditioned on - numpy array of shape (n_points, ndim_x) Y: y target values for witch the cdf shall be evaluated - numpy array of shape (n_points, ndim_y) Returns: P(Y < y | x) cumulated density values for the provided X and Y - numpy array of shape (n_points, ) """ X, Y = self._handle_input_dimensionality(X, Y) mean = self.arma_c * (1 - self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * X return (1-self.jump_prob) * stats.norm.cdf(Y - mean, scale=self.std).flatten() + \ self.jump_prob * stats.norm.cdf(Y - (mean + self.jump_mean), scale=2*self.std).flatten()
[docs] def simulate_conditional(self, X): """ Draws random samples from the conditional distribution Args: X: x to be conditioned on when drawing a sample from y ~ p(y|x) - numpy array of shape (n_samples, ndim_x) Returns: Conditional random samples y drawn from p(y|x) - numpy array of shape (n_samples, ndim_y) """ mean = self.arma_c * (1 - self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * X y_ar = self.random_state.normal(loc=mean, scale=self.std, size=X.shape[0]) mean_jump = mean + self.jump_mean y_jump = self.random_state.normal(loc=mean_jump, scale=self.jump_std, size=X.shape[0]) jump_bernoulli = self.random_state.uniform(size=X.shape[0]) < self.jump_prob return X,[jump_bernoulli, np.bitwise_not(jump_bernoulli)], [y_jump, y_ar])
[docs] def simulate(self, x_0=0, n_samples=1000, burn_in=100): """ Draws random samples from the unconditional distribution p(x,y) Args: n_samples: (int) number of samples to be drawn from the conditional distribution Returns: (X,Y) - random samples drawn from p(x,y) - numpy arrays of shape (n_samples, ndim_x) and (n_samples, ndim_y) """ self.eps = self.random_state.normal(scale=self.std, size=n_samples + burn_in + 1) x = np.zeros(n_samples + burn_in + 1) x[0] = x_0 for i in range(1, n_samples + burn_in + 1): if self.random_state.uniform() > self.jump_prob: # AR(1) x[i] = self.arma_c * (1-self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * x[i-1] + self.eps[i] else: # Jump jump = self.random_state.normal(loc=self.jump_mean, scale=self.jump_std) x[i] = self.arma_c * (1-self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * x[i-1] + jump return x[burn_in:n_samples + burn_in], x[burn_in+1:n_samples + burn_in + 1]
[docs] def mean_(self, x_cond, n_samples=None): """ Conditional mean of the distribution Args: x_cond: different x values to condition on - numpy array of shape (n_values, ndim_x) Returns: Means E[y|x] corresponding to x_cond - numpy array of shape (n_values, ndim_y) """ means = np.zeros((x_cond.shape[0], self.ndim_y)) for i in range(x_cond.shape[0]): mean = self.arma_c * (1 - self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * x_cond[i] means[i, :] = self.jump_prob * (mean + self.jump_mean) + (1-self.jump_prob) * mean return means
[docs] def covariance(self, x_cond, n_samples=None): """ Covariance of the distribution conditioned on x_cond Args: x_cond: different x values to condition on - numpy array of shape (n_values, ndim_x) Returns: Covariances Cov[y|x] corresponding to x_cond - numpy array of shape (n_values, ndim_y, ndim_y) """ covs=np.zeros((x_cond.shape[0], self.ndim_y, self.ndim_y)) for i in range(x_cond.shape[0]): c1 = self.jump_prob * self.jump_std ** 2 + (1-self.jump_prob) * self.std ** 2 mean = self.arma_c * (1 - self.arma_a1) + self.arma_a1 * x_cond[i] c2 = self.jump_prob * mean**2 + (1-self.jump_prob) * (mean-self.jump_mean)**2 - \ (self.jump_prob * mean + (1-self.jump_prob) * (mean-self.jump_mean))**2 covs[i][0][0] = c1 + c2 return covs